Elegante casa privada con vistas para explorar Picos de Europa y playas

Picos de Europa, Asturias, Norte de España Property Ref: AT23
  • Doors
    2 Habitaciones
  • Sleeps
    Huéspedes 4
  • Casa Ref: AT23

Perfectamente ubicada para explorar los lugares más destacados de Picos, las playas y escapar del turismo masificado. Una apuesta seguro y a poca distancia de Arriondas. Fabulosas vistas a la montaña. Capacidad 4 personas.

Booking information for AT23

  • Hora de entrada (check-in): desde 16:30h hasta 22:00h; Hora de salida (check-out): 10:00h

Changeover day AT23

  • El día de la semana para el comienzo de las reservas es sábado en verano y flexible el resto del año.

+ Información esencial para reservar AT23

Booking information for AT23

  • Hora de entrada (check-in): desde 16:30h hasta 22:00h; Hora de salida (check-out): 10:00h

Changeover day AT23

  • El día de la semana para el comienzo de las reservas es sábado en verano y flexible el resto del año.

+ Información esencial para reservar AT23
Desde €103 por noche
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Niños (3-15 años)
Bebés (0-2 años)
Los niños deben venir con un adulto
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Casa Ref. AT23

Picos de Europa, Asturias, Norte de España

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Perfectamente ubicada para explorar los lugares más destacados de Picos, las playas y escapar del turismo masificado. Una apuesta seguro y a poca distancia de Arriondas. Fabulosas vistas a la montaña. Capacidad 4 personas.


  • Bedrooms
    2 Habitaciones
  • Bathroom
    2 Baño(s)
  • Beds
    Huéspedes 4

WiFi Internet; TV; DVD con colección de películas; Terraza con barbacoa amueblada de forma sencilla: barbacoa de obra; Terrenos privados (90,000 m²); 4 bicicletas (disponibles y en buenas condiciones si los huéspedes anteriores las han cuidado. El uso es bajo su propio riesgo).

Vitrocerámica de 4 fuegos y horno eléctrico; Microondas; Tostadora; Cafetera; Hervidor; Exprimidor eléctrico; Lavavajillas; Frigorífico con congelador.

Lavadora; Plancha y tabla de planchar; Secador de pelo; Chimenea abierta (se incluye una cantidad razonable de leña); Calefacción central; Porche amueblado; Cuna (bajo petición); Trona (bajo petición); Toda la ropa de cama y toallas proporcionadas (excepto toallas de playa); Aparcamiento privado.


Planta baja (Espacio abierto grande)
Cocina, comedor y salón; Baño (ducha, WC).

Primera planta
Galería con vista al salón; Dormitorio 1: cama doble; Dormitorio 2: camas individuales; Baño (ducha, WC).

Porche; Terraza con barbacoa; Cuarto de servicio; Terrenos privados.

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A veces lo que importa realmente es la ubicación, aunque el alojamiento debe tener también todo lo que uno desea.

Esta casa de dos dormitorios es una belleza, pero cuando te das cuenta de que además está idealmente situada para disfrutar de lo mejor de Asturias y los Picos de Europa descubres que esta casa siempre será una favorita.

La casa es justo lo que buscan muchas parejas o familias pequeñas. Es muy bonita, construida con piedra, ubicada en la cima de una colina con jardines privados, desde donde se tiene una vista estupenda de los Picos de Europa. A menos de diez minutos caminando se encuentra Arriondas, desde donde se pueden explorar los rincones más desconocidos de los Picos

La casa es rústica pero moderna, ideal para cuatro personas. Entre las características que más nos gustaron fueron la cocina de calidad, los buenos colchones, los suelos de madera en las habitaciones y los muebles de terraza acolchados en el exterior para tener comfort.

Los espacios son amplios. Arriba una galería se extiende desde dormitorios de buen tamaño hasta una espaciosa sala principal.

Todo está perfectamente equipado y resulta acogedor. Hay dos dormitorios en la planta superior, un baño en ambas plantas y 80 m² de terraza cubierta, que incluye una barbacoa.

Fuera, los niños tienen mucho espacio para correr y jugar en el césped. Los adultos y los adolescentes pueden utilizar bicicletas que se proporcionan de forma gratuita.

Situada en lo alto de unas verdes colinas la vivienda es muy privada. La única construcción que se puede ver en una de las fotos pertenece a los mismos propietarios. Hay que conducir por un camino empinado para llegar a la casa, pero es una subida asumible para cualquier automóvil.

El paisaje está formado por un bosque espeso, ríos brillantes, pueblos olvidados y las hermosas playas de la costa de Asturias.

Camine 800 metros en dirección a Arriondas y se encontrará con un pueblo pequeño y bien provisto, ubicado a lo largo de las orillas de los ríos Sella y Piloña, bordeados de árboles, en un entorno de rugosas montañas. Pruebe el queso Cabrales local y sidra ligera escanciada por un camarero experto en esa operación. Asturias es famosa en España por su generosa y sabrosa cocina. No tiene que ir a ninguno de los restaurantes con estrellas Michelin en Arriondas para disfrutar de abundantes y maravillosos platos.

Arriondas tiene buenas instalaciones (incluso hay una discoteca), pero sobre todo es muy conocido como el punto de partida para descender el río Sella en kayak, canoa o balsa. Esto se ha convertido en una actividad popular y no tendrá problemas para alquilar una embarcación si desea probarlo. En agosto, la gente viene de todas partes para participar en la festiva International Canoe Race, con música y eventos callejeros.

También puede organizar barranquismo y otras actividades al aire libre, y para cualquier cosa que no pueda encontrar, un viaje de diez minutos lo lleva a Cangas de Onís, centro neurálgico de los Picos de Europa. El mercado dominical de Cangas es una buena oportunidad para adquirir productos frescos y seleccionar entre una variedad de quesos intrigantes (y a menudo picantes).

Aunque entremos en las frondosas profundidades de las montañas, no olvidemos la costa. La casa está a solo 20 minutos del entorno salvaje y natural de la playa de La Vega en Ribadesella. El cordón de un kilómetro y medio de largo, protegido del desarrollo como Monumento Natural declarado, es bueno para nadar. Hay un excelente restaurante de pescado en La Vega y a menudo se pueden alquilar tablas de surf para niños. En los confines orientales de la playa hay huellas de dinosaurios fosilizados.

Siga el camino de la costa para descubrir las mejores playas de Asturias y la pequeña y encantadora ciudad costera de Lastres y su cercano Museo Jurásico, un éxito seguro con los niños, que luego pueden buscar más huellas de dinosaurios en la playa de abajo.

El atractivo inmediato de la casa, para la mayoría de las personas, son las montañas de Picos. Desde la propiedad, siempre que no haya neblina, por supuesto, verá una gama de picos nevados, incluida Peña Santa. En menos de media hora estará entre ellos y llegará a los altos lagos de Covadonga. Agregue el Cares Defile y el funicular a Bulnes para los días clásicos.

Disponemos de excelentes recomendaciones para el senderismo y aquí es donde la vivienda rural AT23 entra en juego.

Arriondas es la ciudad cercana a la Sierra del Sueve, casi de otro mundo, donde los senderos serpentean por las colinas y se puede encontrar con el exclusivo caballo asturcon.

En 20 minutos, conduciendo hacia el sur, se llega a Ponga y, en nuestra opinión, a algunos de los paisajes más extraordinarios de España. No se equivoquen, esto es algo fuera de lo común.

Conduzca a lo largo del casi desalentador desfiladero de Beyos y encontrará al primo salvaje de los Picos que pocas personas saben que existe y cada vez menos entran. Gargantas despobladas, escarpadas paredes rocosas, laderas de hierba para pasear, bosque salvaje y vistas y más vistas de picos interminables que finalmente se pierden de vista en un territorio inaccesible de la provincia de León.

Alrededor de Oseja de Sajambre uno se encuentra con aldeas olvidadas, un estilo de vida que tan diferente que es verdaderamente admirable.

Si quiere regresar a la 'civilización' puede comprar en una de las grandes supermercados de Arriondas.

Descanse en casa, mirando el macizo montañoso mientras disfruta de una barbacoa en verano, o una comida caliente en invierno junto a la chimenea, complementada por la calefacción central.

¡Disfrute de la Asturias natural!

+ Descripción completa


Copyright © Rustical Travel. All rights protected. + Mostrar las 32 Fotos



Sobre una colina con vistas hacia el valle. A estribaciones de Picos de Europa


Por encima de Arriondas (todos los servicios). Se accede por 700 metros de carretera y pista, bastante empinada pero perfectamente manejable en un coche normal.

Arriondas 8 min a pie
Todos los servicios
Cangas de Onis 10 min
Picos de Europa
Fitu, Sierra del Sueve 20 min
Excelente mirador
Ribadesella 20 min
Museo jurásico 20 min
Lastres 25 min
Pueblo pesquero
Covadonga 25 min
Parque Nacional Picos de Europa
Ponga 25 min
Entorno salvaje
airport Aeropuertos cercanos
Asturias (OVD) 1 h 15 min
Santander y Ferry 1 h 45 min
Bilbao (BIO) y Ferry 2 h 50 min


Rustical Travel cobra en Euros. IVA incluido. No hay cargos adicionales a tarjetas.

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Booking information for AT23

  • Hora de entrada (check-in): desde 16:30h hasta 22:00h; Hora de salida (check-out): 10:00h

Changeover day AT23

  • El día de la semana para el comienzo de las reservas es sábado en verano y flexible el resto del año.

+ Información esencial para reservar AT23

Booking information for AT23

  • Hora de entrada (check-in): desde 16:30h hasta 22:00h; Hora de salida (check-out): 10:00h

Changeover day AT23

  • El día de la semana para el comienzo de las reservas es sábado en verano y flexible el resto del año.

+ Información esencial para reservar AT23


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Traducir reseñas al español
Cian | August | 2024

House was superb - beautiful setting, exceptionally designed and very well equipped."

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John | August | 2024

Excellent communication and information from rustical travel prior to going. The house was beautiful and spotlessly clean when we arrived and the hosts were very friendly. We had a great week"

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Elisabet | August | 2024

Pasamos una semana estupenda, la casa espectacular; no faltaba el mínimo detalle muy bien equipada y limpia; el entorno precioso! Mi hija disfruto mucho con las vacas; los terneros y los paseos en bici; los dueños de la casa viven cerca y son muy agradables y atentos, gracias Elisa y a su marido por hacer que nuestra estancia haya sido estupenda!"

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Annabel | July | 2024

This is a lovely property. Really well equipped with everything you might need and in a beautiful, quiet rural setting. We loved hearing the cows in the morning from the next field, and the amazing views over the mountains on the horizon. It is a short walk (up hill on the way home!) into Arrondias which is a lovely town with plenty of bars and restaurants. Close by to lots of activities including canoeing the river Sella, canyoning and via ferrata if you are feeling brave. The hosts were lovely and nothing was an issue for us. We would recommend to anyone wanting to explore this amazing area of Spain"

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David | June | 2024

We had an excellent week staying in the cottage. The accommodation was spacious, well equipped with a great garden having a splendid outlook. It was an ideal base for exploring Asturias with its pretty coastal towns and the magnificent Picos de Europa being close by too. I would highly recommend it and I would have no hesitation in going back there. Elesa is a friendly and helpful host which added to the visit."

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Corrina | June | 2024

We had a lovely stay at the house, it felt like home. Very private, the house was complete and comfortable."

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Paul | May | 2024

Lovely rustic cottage with outdoor sitting areas under cover from occasional rain showers.wood available for outdoor bbq and indoor fireplace. Cottage contained everything we needed. Nice country walk from cottage to El Uncal bar restaurant for menu del dia, about 40 mins or ten on electric bike. Enjoyed our stay."

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Stella | May | 2024

We loved this property. It exceeded our expectations and we had a superb holiday. The cottage is spacious, beautifully decorated and furnished, comfortable and very practical. We used the outside barbecue on four evenings and sat outside on the comfy chairs on many occasions enjoying the peace and tranquility. We saw a red squirrel a few times and heard owls in the evenings. The location is perfect for exploring the beautiful coast and mountains of Asturias whilst also being close to the facilities in Arriondas. The food in the large local supermarket was of a very high standard and the wine was cheap and very good. The owner of the cottage was friendly and welcoming. I am very pleased to have found Rustical Travel. The website is easy to use, descriptions are accurate and it provides lots of information about the area and things to do. We used the clear and detailed description to easily navigate to the cottage on our arrival."

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Adam | October | 2023

Casa muy bonita y muy limpia!! Un lugar muy tranquilo"

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Mieke | October | 2023

A beautiful spot, up on a steep hill, well located for cycling and hiking. . A few notes that might need attention - bit of a problem with the beds which are too short for us(1.80m) and - low ceilings in the bedrooms where we hit our heads multiple times. - the high pitch noise from the pest control devices plugged in the wall is really quite annoying.. Other than that, great!"

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Lynne | August | 2023

Fabulous property in a magical area. The cottage is beautiful, surrounded by nature and so peaceful. We spent our days hiking in the Picos and on the Camino del Norte (the bus Alsa bus network is fantastic for linear walks) It was magical relaxing at the end on the day here!"

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Paul | July | 2023

Outstanding property,i could happly live there,quality of the build and furnishings exceptional,everything you could possibly need for a weeks stay.Highly recommended."

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Tamzin | July | 2023

We very much enjoyed our stay in Asturias at At23. The Cabana is a good midpoint location between Picos, Ponga National Park, Sierra de Suave and the Coast. We are a family of keen walkers and having spent a week already in the Picos De Europa we concentrated more on Ponga and the Sierra del Steve plus a visit to La Vega beach. All of which we recommend , though the misty weather meant our views on Ponga Park were limited from our walks. Arriondas is a friendly serviceable town that is easy to access with everything one needs. The Cabana is well equipped, and very clean - comfortable beds and good fly screens. Elisa was proactive in giving us arrival info via WhatsApp and offered us early arrival. She was lovely, really friendly and helpful and quickly sorted out of lack of oven gloves! I would best describe this property as a farm stay, coming from rural Devon and having kept livestock for many years, I might not choose to have the cow shed quite so close , but this is personal preference. We spent our days out walking (with the exception of a beach day) as this location allowed us to discover a part of Northern Spain we had not previously been to, really enjoyed it."

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Lucas | June | 2023

Qué casa tan genial. ¡No busques más! Aquí quieres estar si te gusta la paz, la naturaleza y las vacas pastoreando. Carlos y Elisa son gente genial y te hacen sentir como en casa. El pueblo está a unos pocos minutos andando, pero estás en la sensación de estar en medio del bosque. Las vistas son espectaculares en días despejados hasta los Picos de Europa. La casa esta muy acogedora y tiene todas las comodidades. La cama esta muy cómoda. Muchas gracias Carlos y Elisa. ¡Tenéis un paraíso! Ha sido un placer totalmente un abrazo fuerte desde Andalucía."

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Anne | May | 2023

Absolutely charming property in a very pretty setting, short walk into town with bars, restaurants (Restaurante El Corral del Indianu was amazing) all the shops you might need for self catering. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay. The owners were near by, in contact via WhatsApp, very helpful but not intrusive. The track up to the property ( like a lot of the roads here)is narrow with one sharp hairpin bend ( definitely uphill after a hearty lunch !) so easier in a not too large car but perfectly doable on foot for anyone of average fitness. It’s a great location for access to mountains the coast. Oviedo was definitely worth a visit too."

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Sean | May | 2023

Clean, comfortable and stylish with excellent facilities. Very quiet and within easy walking distance of the town. Lots to see and do, all within an hour's drive in any direction.We would absolutely recommend this cottage."

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Chris | May | 2023

Rustical Travel is the best accommodation agent we have used. The information was brilliant, especially how to find the property and every stage of the booking process was straightforward. The accommodation was also excellent – attractively designed and furnished, comfortable, good instructions and information (in English for us), and very well equipped. Lovely outside sitting and eating areas and a very good internet connection. Just beware of the low beam in the bathroom!! Our host Elisa was very welcoming and made sure we were happy on arrival and when we left. We had a great week. Thank you Elisa."

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Daniel | April | 2023

Magnífico. Elisa fue una anfitriona muy buena. Nos atendió estupendamente. La casa cumplió todas las expectativas sobradamente."

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William | April | 2023

Booking service was great. The property was very clean and matched the description. We were very comfortable and enjoyed our stay."

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Kim | September | 2022

This is a Fabulous Property equipped with everything you could want, it is tastefully decorated and beautiful in every respect. The Views of the Picos de Europa are fantastic especially at sunrise and sunset. The owners are absolutely lovely and although they speak very little english we found communication not to be a problem. The property is perfectly located to visit both the Picos, The Ponga and the Beaches. We would not hesitate to return to this beautiful property"

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Martti | September | 2022

Very pleased with the service provided by Rustical travel and especially pleased with the cottage which was clean, peaceful and well equipped and run by a very friendly family"

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Holy | August | 2022

We had a wonderful two weeks staying in the cottage. Garden and BBQ/outside picnic area are brilliant and it's the perfect spot for alfresco dining. The house is very characterful snd charming. It is in a great location,perched on a hillside in Arriondas. You feel quite secluded whilst also having everything you need on your doorstep. As road cyclists who love hills and mountains the location couldn't have been better- seemingly endless beautiful and quiet roads to explore. Also worth a busier ride to the top of the covadonga road- spectacular- but quite a shock after the peace and tranquility of the other roads we had become accustomed to! Lots of lovely beaches to visit from the house too, as well as snorkeling in rivers and visiting pretty towns to try some tasty local cuisine. A perfect house for a wonderful family holiday. Many thanks."

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Philip | July | 2022

Charming en spaceous cabana on the hill, amazing views, clean, fully equipped cottage"

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Kerry | July | 2022

The house was an absolute delight (rustic, full of character, lovely shaded areas)- we loved our stay and can’t wait to go back. Everything you need is in the house and it was fabulous to have use of the bikes."

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Sue | June | 2022

We tried to stay at this wonderful finca in 2020 but Covid intervened. But this summer we made it and we were so delighted to finally get there. It is every bit as wonderful as the photos suggest, better in fact. The house is beautiful inside, spacious and well equipped and feels so welcoming. The area is delightful. Starting with the small town of Arriondas at the bottom of the hill which is unspoilt and has everything you need. Ribadasella at 20 minute drive away on the coast has a swimming beach and a good choice of restaurants and a charming weekly market. Our host, Elisa, was incredibly helpful when my husband was unwell, even collecting medication from the pharmacy for us. We loved it so much we have already booked to return in the Autumn!"

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Vincent | May | 2022

Fantastic location. Elisa was very helpful even though her English was as good as my Spanish! Lots of birds and beautifully secluded. Lots of places to visit nearby"

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Maxine | May | 2022

A lovely house in a great location! Highly recommended."

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Kathrine | May | 2022

A very spacious property for 2 or 4 people, clean, welcoming and well furnished. Surprisingly ‘out of the way’ and tranquil despite being so close to good amenities and restaurants. Plenty of wildlife and good views from the garden, Picos and Ponga a short drive away."

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Marie | January | 2022

Casa encantadora, con vacas y toros como únicos vecinos …. El calma total Sin embargo muy cerca del pueblo donde de encuentra todo lo necesario Y muy bien ubicada por la zona Dueños muy agradables y diligentes"

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Javier | December | 2021

Buenos días. Aprovecho la ocasión para daros la enhorabuena por el buen trabajo realizado. Sois grandes profesionales. Muchas gracias por haber hecho un sueño realidad de nuestras vacaciones. Dar de nuevo las gracias otra vez Elisa y su marido por su gran hospitalidad. Saludos cordiales desde Sevilla"

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Patricia | October | 2021

Lugar maravilloso. Lo recomendamos 100%."

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Iliana | October | 2021

Hermosa casa hermoso lugar y"

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Fernando | September | 2021

Sitio fenomenal, absolutamente todo perfecto, y a quien le gusten los animales el recibimiento de las vacas es fantástico."

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Lola | August | 2021

Estuvimos encantados! La casa es súper agradable, con todo lo necesario y fenomenal ubicada. Y Elisa encantadora y pendiente de lo que pudiésemos necesitar. Seguro que volvemos!"

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Gill | August | 2021

Beautiful appointed cottage, loved the location and very peaceful considering it was so close to town. Wonderful hosts who made us feel very welcome. Amazing area, loads to do and we would definitely recommend and would book it again in the future."

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Laura | August | 2021

Maravillosa estancia. Tranquila, serena.. en paz. Sólo a un paseo de Arriondas, con todo cercano, pero con privacidad absoluta. La casa perfecta, la estancia perfecta y los propietarios ... Maravillosos. Totalmente recomendable para familias y parejas que quieran disfrutar de Asturias. Sin duda, volveremos. Gracias Elisa y Juan"

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Marta | July | 2021

La casa y el entorno sensacionales. Lugar súper tranquilo para disfrutar de la naturaleza en estado puro. Elisa y Juan Carlos, sus dueños, encantadores y muy atentos."

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Will | July | 2021

A beautifully renovated property. We had a delightful week here, loving its proximity to both coast and mountains. A wonderful family holiday. We will be back!"

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Eva | December | 2020

Lugar increíble. Exactamente idéntico a las fotos. Totalmente recomendado. Fantástica estancia."

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Andrés | August | 2020

Estuvimos alojados una semana en agosto y la casa es una pasada, comodísima y tiene de todo, ¡hasta wifi! Arriondas está muy cerca y es un pueblo muy grande en donde hay de todo, hasta un Hospital. La finca es enorme y el entorno tranquilo. No le doy 5 estrellas porque la única pega que tiene es que hay una vaquería muy cerca y a veces hay moscas, pero es turismo rural, es lo normal."

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Monica | July | 2020

Beautiful place, perfect for family’s. I recommended ??Thanks Elisa for your hospitality"

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Ryan | July | 2020

Fantastic place, fantastic hosts"

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Liz | October | 2019

What a beautiful cottage, we lived every thing about it. The location just above the town, access to country walks but most of all the cottage itself. Every detail was perfect and we would love to come again. Highly recommended. Liz and Chris."

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Clare | September | 2019

We all loved the cottage. We only met the owner on day 1 and departure day and she was charming and friendly. The views are beautiful. The cottage is comfortable and the outdoor seating particularly nice. We would have liked a few more kitchen cooking items and utensils but we managed. Also, as there is a dishwasher, more mugs/ cups would be helpful, as it was a waste putting it on half-full and we had run out of mugs! Cows are lovely but we like cows and don't mind the smell (butcher and farmer's son!). Bend on the road up a bit of a challenge for a long car but perfectly do-able! We were so impressed with that part of Spain and would certainly go back. Hope to use you again as booking system the best I've had and instructions to the cottage were spot on. Great holiday. Thank you."

Rustical Update

We have been informed by the property managers that they will buy more kitchen items such as mugs or cups, which can break frequently so they will replenish them.

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Jenny | August | 2019

The house is lovely. It's very spacious for four people, comfortable (including good beds), well-equipped and spotlessly clean. The location is quiet and the views are wonderful. The owners live just down the lane and are very kind and friendly. Arriondas is not very charming, but it is well situated if you want access to both mountains and coast. One of the very best holiday houses I have rented."

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James | August | 2019

A beautiful home in a lovely setting. Close to town. Loved it."

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Leoniek | July | 2019

Booking service was smoothquick. E mail communication clear. Extra information concerning arrival procedure extensive and complete. The cottage is marvelous, on a hill above a farm house, with view over the valley. Silence and quiet. Well built and equipped house, very comfortable, plenty of room for 4. A shame we didn't use the living room, as the weather was so lovely we spent all our time in the garden en on the porch. Definitely recommend this house to anyone seeking a quiet address from which to explore the lovely Asturian country seaside."

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Vicky | June | 2019

Absolutely lovely house and garden in a fantastic location - very comfy and everything we needed. Great area for exploring with two young children, mountains and beaches in easy reach. Gracias!"

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Paulien | June | 2019

Schitterend huis, mooie tuin met veel privacy, op loopafstand (15 min) van het dorp voor een kop koffie plus je zit zo in de bergen of op het stand. Kan het iedereen aanraden."

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Stevan | June | 2019

This place is exactly like the listing with every detail as promised. The place is beautiful and charming and even the wonderful pictures don't capture how nice the property. It's well equipped with everything anyone could need. The hosts are there if you need them but not obtrusive, and there are reference materials at the house to help with planning day excursions. Rustical provided excellent pre-arrival information including check-in details that were perfect along with directions. We had a great holiday in this beautiful cabana, would highly recommend this if you're interested in the area, like the outdoors. Plenty to do within an hour's drive and the trip down the Sella River, from Arriondas, is a must."

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Ceri | May | 2019

Perfect combination of privacy and convenience. We loved the location, we did bike rides from the door as well as longer days of in the picos. We had brilliant weather for most of our stay. Our baby boy loved the outdoor baths we gave him in the garden with views of the beautiful mountains and the sounds of cowbells and we enjoyed the excuse to do very little on the days it rained. Our hosts were super friendly and helpful. All in all a real highlight of our 3 week trip to France and spain and we are already thinking about when we can return!"

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Alison | May | 2019

We loved this property! The facilities are good and the setting quiet - perfect for the restful break we needed away from the hustle and bistle of work. We particularly enjoyed the lush garden space and watching birds, squirrels, foxes and lizards as well as the local cows happily chewing away in the field next door! Elisa and her family are perfect hosts - they check that you are OK, ensure that you are happy with everything and you have a contact number if you need any help. The location of the property is walking distance to Arriondas about 10 minutes away (fairly steep hill to get back up to the villa - downhill into town) and the Feve train can whisk you from here to Oviedo one way and up to the coast via Ribadasella the other (Feve is an off-shoot of Renfe, though search for Feve and not via Renfe as the line is a narrow gauge line and not easy to find on the Renfe site!). Highly recommended!"

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Helen | August | 2018

We had a lovely holiday and this house was in the perfect location to explore the Asturias region. We loved that we could be at beautiful beaches in 30minutes, and also have the mountains on our doorstep too, we were busy every day! The property was perfect for our family with 2 young children. The garden was safe and perfect for them to run around and we enjoyed the outside area, spotting the cows next door and BBQ. Inside was very clean, comfortable with everything you needed. Lastly the RustcialTravel website made finding and booking the house very easy and we were provided with excellent information about the house and surrounding area which we used a lot. Thank you we will definitely be back!"

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Geoff | July | 2018

Property AT23 was a good choice for us. The owner was friendly and responsive to our questions and the property itself was clean and well stocked with kitchen goods, towels etc. etc. We stayed for a week in in July, the house was cool in the day and very comfortable to sleep at night without aircon. The property is a good location for access to the coast and the mountains. No complaints."

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Ann | July | 2018

We had a lovely time at the property which was beautifully set up and in a fabulous location. The veranda in particular was a joy and we spent many pleasant hours sitting out reading, playing cards and listening to the bells of the grazing cows! There was an issue with the wifi supply when we were there which was due to the previous occupants using up the allocation but we managed and in the end enjoyed the break from our smart phones! Elisa and her family were very welcoming and helpful and always easy to get in touch with during our holiday. The Rustical Travel service was very good and the staff were extremely helpful All in all I'd highly recommend both the company and this property- thank you!"

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John | May | 2018

This was our third holiday in Northern Spain booked thru Rustical and yet again we were delighted both with the booking service and the cottage we selected. It was the best ever - well equipped, very comfortable and in a delightful location - far enough away from town to be secluded though with superb scenery all around. Also the owners were lovely people and made us very welcome. The info regarding the area provided by Rustical was helpful though we did have a worrying moment at San Antonio beach when we were shouted at by some locals who objected to us taking the car past the no entry sign as we were told to do in the travel directions. This I feel should be amended to avoid such confrontations, after all it is only a short walk to the beach. Overall though we had a great holiday, so thank you very much Rustical Travel"

Rustical Update

We have updated the local guide to indicate that it is best to park earlier and not to take the car park the no entry sign.

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Zita | August | 2017

A gorgeous cottage in a beautiful hill setting, looking down into the valley of Arriondas town, and with views of the high mountains beyond. The cottage has been carefully and lovingly furnished and has all the equipment and modern appliances required to make for a comfortable and relaxing stay. We particularly enjoyed the outside seating areas, relaxing in the mornings and evenings and watching the lizards scuttling on the warm stones and the clouds changing over the mountains. The cottage is well situated for touring the mountains and visiting the many golden sandy beaches along this coastline. We had a lovely week, and we would like to thank the owner, Elisa, and her family, who were welcoming and kind."

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Frank | July | 2017

Great spot! We had a wonderfull 10 days in this cottage. The surroundings are breathtaking, the beaches nearby and the Pico's make you want to stay here forever. This was a real destress-holiday, full of walking (the sleeping villages in the Pico's are a real trip back in time: stunning views), sporting (one should rent a kayak on the Sella - fun guaranteed), enjoying, eating (mmm... the pintxos), relaxing, in a very well equiped holiday house in the green corner of Spain. The owners are very friendly and helpfull in giving any information we needed. A holiday to remember!"

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Naomi | June | 2017

We really loved the property. It was very comfortable and clean with great attention to detail. Very well equipped with lots of information on local activities. Nearby supermarket was great and we had lovely BBQ s outside."

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Chris | June | 2017

We have recently returned from our second holiday at this property and although our first week was wet and cold the second week was sunny and warm.I reviewed this property in 2015 and would like to do so briefly again.When we arrived we were met by the owner who gave us both a hug and very warm welcome, it was so nice to see the family again. The first week was wet and cold but because we had such a lovely property to stay at we didn't mind and also managed to do things we didn't have time to do before. The property as before was immaculate and well cared for. The road leading to the property had been repaired and was now lovely to drive on. We had a wonderful relaxing two weeks and enjoyed every day. We cannot find fault with this property and will return at some point.Also I would like to thank Rustical Travel for their efficiency and as always their friendly help with any questions. Many thanks

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Daphne | May | 2017

We were very happy with the accommodation and the owner was very friendly and helpful. She left lots of food for us, more than we expected which was good because it was a public holiday on Mon, 29th May although this wasn't mentioned on any website or in any guide books. Although Elise didn't speak much English she left her daughter's phone number as she did. We had a little difficulty finding the cabana in the dark and stopped at the first house up the lane which happily was the owner's. On our last morning the water in the taps turned red so I hope that was sorted before the new people arrived! We enjoyed lots of lovely trips to the surrounding area, mainly the Picos and the coast."

Rustical Update

The red water from the taps was due to a drought in the area, but was solved that same day.

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Sarah | April | 2017

As a family of four, we were seeking a getaway in a quieter area of Spain and this cottage in the Asturias was just the ticket - well equipped, with stunning views and access down a steep hill in to the town of Arriondas. The town itself had all the amenities we needed from a bakery to supermarkets and some good local bars and restaurants. We made the most of our location to discover the Picos, the Ponga area and the charming villages on the coast. Out of the main season and the canoeing festival, this is not a touristy area, which was an added bonus. We found the locals to be friendly, in spite of our faltering Spanish and the owners of the house were incredibly helpful and welcoming."

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Carlos | April | 2017

Really beautiful cottage, very cozy, amazing views. The owners were very nice and helpful. It is great for children (and adults) as you can visit their farm. Arriondas is located more or less in the middle of all the nice places to visit in Asturias (and there are many). I will come back for sure."

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Keith | September | 2016

Every aspect of dealing with our September 2016 Rustical travel booking went smoothly and we got first class class professional service throughout. . The web site was informative and well laid out Photographs of property were comprehensive and proved to be accurate, as did property description Information was first class and wide ranging with packing, shopping, sight seeing, eating and beach suggestions. The payment arrangements were straightforward and reminders timely. Confirmations were prompt and reassuring Most of all the property was immaculately prepared, totally clean and ready for our stay. You got everything right and we will use your services again and happily recommend to others. You made things easy for us Thank you"

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Karen | August | 2016

It was a fabulous cabana in lovely peaceful surroundings, just cows for company with a backdrop of mountains. The garden had plenty of shady places to relax and eat, whilst inside it was cool, comfortable and extremely well equipped. Easy access to beaches and mountains, good food and wine and very helpful hosts."

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Rachel | July | 2016

I wanted to write to say what a brilliant time we had in Asturias! the cottage we stayed in was fantastic, I cannot fault it - a really sympathetic and thoughtful renovation and everything was of such good quality. The area is stunning. Fabulous restaurants. We have returned inspired and recharged! And will most definately be returning.Thanks for all of your help and such comprehensive notes, directions and suggestions.All good wishes.

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Nick | July | 2016

Really lovely house very well equipted with exceptional views. Well situated to get to both coast mountains a 15 min walk in to the town shops resturants."

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Michael | June | 2016

The cottage was very comfortable and met all our requirements. It was clean and well equipped. It was spacious with good views of the mountains and we would be happy to return."

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Judy | May | 2016

Almost 3 months has passed since our week in Asturias, and we have such fond memories! There were 4 of us, 2 couples, and we loved this place!! The property, both inside and out, was nicer than we even expected. We used the bbq, and the kitchen was well equipped (even the juicer was used). A couple of nights we used the fireplace, and the living room is very cozy. It was nice to walk down to Arriondas for a morning coffee with the locals, and the property's location was perfect for exploring the area. We hiked in the Picos, visited the coast, and Oviedo. Arriondas was a nice town, it did not feel 'touristy' although that could be because we were there in May. On that note, though, at night there were little, if no, dining options. This was usually not an issue, as the local grocery store has an excellent fish counter, and we would eat big, late lunches on our daily excursions. We would definitely return to this property. We only wish we had more time when we were there, to see more of the local sights, and sit on the terrace and enjoy the view, the quiet, and the cow bells."

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Rene | April | 2016

A beautifully furnished house on a unique location overlooking the Picos. Lovely area for walking, enjoying nature. Unique. Definitely come back. It was fantastic. Above expectations."

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Sarah | August | 2015

A wonderful holiday house - secluded and quiet, yet near to facilities with good road links meaning we were able to enjoy both the coast and the mountains as they were in easy reach. The house is beautifully presented and well cared for and we were given a very warm welcome by Elisa and her family who couldn't do enough to help us. We particularly enjoyed the outdoor space, which enabled us to have many barbecues, and spend most of our time out of doors, even if it rained! Our daughters (aged 9 and 6) enjoyed watching the lizards in the garden and the cows in the next door field. We all loved the fact you could see the mountains in the distance. A really fantastic holiday! We also were very pleased with Rustical Travel and the excellent service you gave us - always fast to respond to enquiries, very helpful and excellent information given to us before we went on holiday. We would recommend you to friends, and definitely consider booking with you again in the future if we return to Spain. Many thanks to your team."

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Chris | June | 2015

We just wanted to say what a wonderful and very special holiday we had. The property is superb, total peace and beautiful surroundings and outstanding views. The owners were lovely people, never interfering but always helpful when needed. Arriondas was in our opinion by far the best small town in the area untouched by foreign tourism yet still with all the amenities anyone would need and without exception all the local people were friendly and welcoming. The surrounding area is again unspoiled by tourism and incredibly beautiful. We went to a lot of the mountain areas, the glacial lakes included - wow! We were incredibly lucky with the weather and no daytime rain, temperatures in the high twenties throughout. Your directions were superb, your description of the property very accurate and as for the walk to town and back, yes it was steep but easily walkable with breaks if needed, we walked into town most days. The road to the property has a ridge in the centre at one point and yes if you are not careful you could scrape the bottom of the car but like potholes in the UK - try to miss and you will succeed best if you travel slowly. Your advice about shopping and local food was spot on, we tried all your recommendations and more. This truly was a place where a bottle of wine is cheaper than a bottle of water. Thank you so much for everything."

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Vincent | May | 2015

Fabulous. We just cannot wait to go back. Drive up to cottage very bumpy and dangerous for low slung cars. otherwise every thing else was fantastic and Elisa was deilightful and could not have made us more welcome."

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Sally | September | 2014

Just to say thank you, we had a wonderful two weeks at AT23, the property was lovely very clean and had everything we needed, it was in a perfect location for exploring the towns, beaches and mountains. The directions you sent us were great and the caretaker was very helpful on our arrival and during our stay."

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Fred | September | 2014

Excellent property in an excellent location for coast and hills. Very pleased with the booking process / information / directions / owners contacts. Will certainly use Rustical Travel again on the experience of this property."

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Moira | September | 2014

We thoroughly enjoyed our holiday! We loved the property. It was very roomy and was equipped to a high standard. It had everything we needed apart from a tea pot! The bathrooms were a good size with very effective showers. The setting was very peaceful, with lovely views. Elisa and her daughter were really helpful with the couple of minor problems we had. The lane leading to the cottage was very steep and winding, which we might have liked some warning of, but it wasn't a major problem. The cottage was well situated for all amenities, such as food shopping and restaurants, and it was easy to drive to the mountains and the coast. We would definitely like to have another holiday in Asturias! Thank you!"

Rustical Update

The steepish approach has always been mentioned in the Location information for the villa, but we've also now added it to the main property description.

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Katrina | August | 2014

The property was all we expected and more. The owner was very helpful and welcoming, able to assist withn some queries we had about local facilities. The cabana was very pretty, with plenty of information on local walks etc. It has an amazing view over the countryside and mountains, a perfect place to eat any meal and enjoy the sounds of the birds Both sea and mountains were with easy reach We were totally impressed with this first visit to Asturias and the property was a big part of that enjoyment"

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Roger | July | 2014

We were delighted with the property, it was spacious, comfortable and tastefully furnished. We received a very warm welcome from Elisa (junior) who speaks excellent English and were provided with all the information we needed regarding the property and the local area. The property is in a quiet and private spot whilst being conveniently close to Arriondas and provided an excellent base for exploring the Picos and Ponga. The only drawback to the property is the state of the access road which is very steep, twisty and uneven - knowing about this beforehand would not have stopped us booking the property but might have prevented us grounding the car on arrival! We all thoroughly enjoyed our holiday there and would certainly consider returning and/or booking another holiday with Rustical Travel. Thank you."

Rustical Update

The steepish approach is now mentioned in both the Location information for the villa and the main property description.

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Carla | July | 2014

The house was very pretty and tastefully furnished with comfortable beds etc..and we loved the area. We had a couple of very nice meals in Ariondas and the surrounding beaches were very nice. The only negative I would say was that the kitchen was very underequipped for any decent cooking - simple things like oven trays, potato peelers, decent bread knife, bread board etc... Also the oven instructions seemed very complicated and strange. Many thanks"

Rustical Update

Kitchen utensils are being updated for the 2015 season.

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Peter | June | 2014

All aspects of the cottage were very positive. The location, facilities and cleanliness were excellent. The owners (and dog) were very friendly and helpful. The Picos and beaches in the area were stunningly beautiful, with the hiking particularly spectacular. We would be very happy to book with Rustical Travel again in the future and would recommend you to friends/family."

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Denis | October | 2013

Sometimes you are apprehensive about whether the photograph of a property will meet up with the expectations in reality. The cottage actually exceeded our hopes. In a picturesque setting above the small town of Arriondas, two bottles of wine supplied by our hosts on our arrival, spotlessly clean and completely private. The cottage has everything you would possibly require for a quiet retreat, it has a lovely outdoor setting to enjoy the views in the evening and if you want to cycle, it even has bikes available. A final word to our host Elisa, we only saw her on our arrival and on the night before our departure when she brought us a large box of chocolates, a lovely touch. We enjoyed the local area visiting Ribadesella, Cangas De Onis, Covadonga, Oviedo, Gijon, Cudillero and walking a section of the Senda del Oso."

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Anonymous | September | 2013

A very comfortable cottage with great views."

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Cheryl | August | 2013

Fantastic property in a beautiful location. We cannot fault the property which was well equipped and beautifully constructed. The owners and their daughter were on hand for any queries and were kind and patient with us and our limited Spanish. A nice touch was a small gift left by the owner on both of the weeks we stayed (local cheeses, biscuits and candles). There is so much to do in the area we are returning again in 2014. Unfortunately this property was already booked up so we could not return which would have been our first choice. We can not rate this property highly enough, it is absolutely fantastic. By the way you also get regular visits from the owners dog, who is called Flora which our 6 year old son loved."

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Catherine | July | 2013

We had an excellent holiday in property AT23. The cottage itself was extremely well equiped and comfortable. We were particularly pleased to have a comfortable and covered area to sit out in and another area for eating; sheltered from the sun and the rain. The owner(s) and her daughter could not have been more charming and helpful. We very much liked the location of the cottage, being just on the edge of Arriondas and walking distance to its restaurants and shops and with good road and rail links. The long views to the mountains were fantastic. The very loud, late night music from Arriondas, which, went on over several nights, (and all night on one occasion), was not something we had anticipated but could not really be said to be a fault of the property! We would have no hesitation in rebooking the property. With respect to the services of Rustical Travel, we have no complaints whatsoever. The property was easy to book and we found all the additional information provided about the locality and facilties very informative and helpful. Again we would have no hesitation in rebooking through your company or in recommending you to friends and family."

Rustical Update

Finding out about planned village fiestas that might disturb (or attract) holidaymakers is one of our initiatives for 2015, so that we can forewarn interested enquirers before they book.

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Elizabeth | July | 2013

This is a very special property and exceeded our expectations. It is well equipped and has very comfy beds. The owners were very hospitable and gave us a lovely welcome. We would certainly return. It is well situated, in a good location to access both beautiful beaches and the mountains. It is in a lovely, secluded position up in the hills, but on the occasions when the rock music festivals are on in the town, the noise can travel many miles and go on for most of the night - it may be advisable to let people know when the festivals are on. Thank you very much indeed."

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