Una casa de aldea en verde paraje a solo 3 km de la playa de Rodiles

Rodiles, Asturias, Norte de España Property Ref: AT28
  • Doors
    3 Habitaciones
  • Sleeps
    Huéspedes 3/5
  • Casa Ref: AT28

Una gran casa de campo en una ubicación especial que combina un hermoso entorno rural con la proximidad al mar y a una de las mejores playas de Asturias: Rodiles. Un breve camino nos lleva a la playa. Arena, mar y surf para principiantes o expertos. También tendrás tiendas y restaurantes cerca. El jardín es seguro para los niños y la playa cuenta con socorristas en verano. Capacidad para 3 adultos más 2 niños.

Booking information for AT28

  • Hora de entrada (check-in): desde 18:00h hasta 22:00h; Hora de salida (check-out): 10:00h

Changeover day AT28

  • El día de inicio / fin de las reservas es Sábado en todas las temporadas, aunque en temporada baja y bajo petición puede que haya flexibilidad.

+ Información esencial para reservar AT28

Booking information for AT28

  • Hora de entrada (check-in): desde 18:00h hasta 22:00h; Hora de salida (check-out): 10:00h

Changeover day AT28

  • El día de inicio / fin de las reservas es Sábado en todas las temporadas, aunque en temporada baja y bajo petición puede que haya flexibilidad.

+ Información esencial para reservar AT28
Desde €151 por noche
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  • Prices are shown in the selected currency, but all payments are charged and processed in Euros
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Adultos (16+ años)
Niños (3-15 años)
Bebés (0-2 años)
Los niños deben venir con un adulto
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Casa Ref. AT28

Rodiles, Asturias, Norte de España

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Una gran casa de campo en una ubicación especial que combina un hermoso entorno rural con la proximidad al mar y a una de las mejores playas de Asturias: Rodiles. Un breve camino nos lleva a la playa. Arena, mar y surf para principiantes o expertos. También tendrás tiendas y restaurantes cerca. El jardín es seguro para los niños y la playa cuenta con socorristas en verano. Capacidad para 3 adultos más 2 niños.


  • Bedrooms
    3 Habitaciones
  • Bathroom
    2 Baño(s)
  • Beds
    Huéspedes 3/5


WiFi internet; TV; DVD; CD player; Muebles de terraza; 6 tumbonas.


Placa vitrocerámica; Horno; Microondas; Cafetera; Hervidor; Tostadora; Exprimidor eléctrico; Batidora; Olla a presión; Lavavajillas; Frigorífico-congelador.


Lavadora; Tabla de planchar; Secador de pelo; Calefacción central; Estufa de pellets (sala de estar); Cuna, trona y bañera para bebés (bajo previa petición); Toda la ropa de cama y toallas incluidas (incluidas las toallas de playa).


De manera opcional se puede solicitar servicio adicional de lavado de ropa y toallas así como limpieza general de la casa (a pagar localmente).


Planta baja

Sala de recepción y sala de estar; Salón principal; Cocina / Comedor.

Primera planta

Dormitorio 1: Camas individuales (juntas); Dormitorio 2: Camas individuales (separadas); Dormitorio 3: cama individual; Dos baños / WC (solo ducha, sin bañera).


Terraza amueblada; Jardín privado.

Notas sobre distribución

Los baños están arriba en el primer piso solamente.

Todas las camas tienen 0,90 m de ancho y 1,90 m de largo.

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Nota: tras no estar disponible para alquileres turísticos desde 2016, este alojamiento vuelve a nuestro portfolio para la temporada 2021!!

Aquí tenemos una casa de vacaciones bastante rústica ideal para una pareja o una familia pequeña que quiera estar junto a la costa, pero en una casa tradicional de aldea, con un jardín seguro y vistas.

La belleza de la costa asturiana radica en que permanece natural y libre de la urbanización que aqueja a otros frentes marítimos de nuestras costas. Aquí, las vacas y ovejas a menudo pastan hasta el límite de la playa y hay más prados con campos verdes que urbanizados.

El camino desde la playa que conduce a esta casa de campo pasa por caseríos de piedra tradicional con hórreos típicos asturianos. Es un lugar que predomina el silencio. Se aparca fuera de la casa.

La casa es sorprendentemente grande y ofrece diferentes espacios para sentarse y relajarse o jugar, así como un gran jardín con murete de piedra y algún limonero.

Ha pertenecido a la misma familia durante más de una generación y puede ver cómo se ha restaurado y mejorado poco a poco y con cariño a lo largo de los años.

La planta baja se divide en tres espacios. Las paredes de piedra y el techo de madera original de una sala de recepción amueblada se extienden hasta los asientos acolchados de mimbre dispuestos por ventanas francesas que se abren al jardín.

Es un lugar agradable para sentarse y mirar hacia el jardín circular. Más allá del jardín, continúan los campos, sin ningún otro vecino a la vista. La casa se mantiene en un extremo de la dispersa aldea.

La sala principal es el espacio más grande de todos: un fabuloso salón cuyo techo alto llega hasta las vigas.

En su día esto fue un lagar de sidra de tamaño el cual todavía ocupa una esquina del salón. La vieja prensa de manzanas es tan grande que podría caber una cama doble en ella. El suelo es de madera y hay iluminación variable. Este espacio es silencioso y ofrece dos áreas de estar distintas, una junto al televisor y la otra junto a un gran ventanal que da al jardín y al campo, de modo que la vista desde el sofá es totalmente verde.

Desde el salón, una escalera de hierro (posiblemente no apta para niños muy pequeños) sube a los dormitorios y baños del primer piso, desde donde otra escalera de madera, más manejable, desciende a la cocina.

Subir un tramo de escaleras y bajar por otro le da a la casa una disposición circular agradable.

Ambos baños tienen duchas. Uno tiene cabezal de ducha ajustable en altura y un gran lavabo. El otro tiene azulejos de mosaico azul, ducha de efecto lluvia y dos lavabos. Para acceder al segundo baño, se pasa a través de una puerta con poco espacio libre, las personas altas tendrían que agachar algo la cabeza.

La cocina es una habitación bien enlucida y con azulejos. Tiene una encimera de mármol y todo lo que necesitas para tu casa. En el otro extremo, hay una gran mesa de comedor redonda con taburetes bajos, en lugar de sillas con respaldo.

También puede cenar al aire libre en el jardín, por supuesto, donde los muebles de terraza tienen una sombrilla, si es necesario.

Aunque hay otras atracciones en el área, su playa local de Rodiles es la atracción principal y obvia aquí.

La mayoría de la gente recorre un largo camino para visitar la playa de Rodiles. Cuando te quedas en la Casa de la Sidra, solo necesitas caminar por el camino hasta la playa y estacionar junto a un bosque de eucaliptos.

Rodiles es el primero de nuestra guía de las mejores playas de Asturias (encuentra el enlace a continuación). Su kilómetro de arena dorada, flanqueada por acantilados y pinares, está bien cuidado y es popular entre familias y surfistas. Del 21 de junio al 20 de septiembre, hay socorrista. Hay un paseo marítimo, duchas en la playa y estacionamiento económico.

Igualmente conveniente para Cottage AT28 es una tienda local con una carnicería y restaurantes, a 1 km de la casa de campo: a poca distancia, en realidad.

A los 15 minutos tienes Villaviciosa, una gran ciudad con todas las tiendas y otras facilidades como internet.

A los 20 minutos tienes la costa de Lastres. Esta es la "Costa de los Dinosaurios": a los niños les encantará la oportunidad de ver huellas de dinosaurios fosilizados en la roca junto a la playa La Griega en Lastres, y hay un Museo Jurásico sobre la playa en las colinas.

A los 45 minutos, Arriondas es el punto de montaña más alto para practicar kayak o rafting por el río Sella. En menos de una hora se encuentra en Cangas de Onis, el eje principal de Picos de Europa.

+ Descripción completa


Copyright © Rustical Travel. All rights protected. + Mostrar las 28 Fotos



Campo verde que se extiende hasta la playa, además se encuentra cerca de un gran estuario.


Al borde de una pequeña aldea a 3 km de la playa de Rodiles

Selorio 1 km
Restaurantes, supermercados
Rodiles 3 km
Gran playa de arena
Villaviciosa 15 minutos
Todas las instalaciones
Lastres 20 minutos
Pueblo pesquero
Gijon 30 minutos
Busy coastal town
Oviedo 40 minutos
Pueblo historico
Arriondas 45 minutos
Descenso de ríos y kayaks
Cangas de Onis 1 hora
Hub para Picos de Europa
airport Aeropuertos cercanos
Asturias (OVD) 1 hora
Santander y Ferry 1 hora y 40 minutos
Bilbao (BIO) y Ferry 2 horas 40 minutos


Rustical Travel cobra en Euros. IVA incluido. No hay cargos adicionales a tarjetas.

DesdehastaPrecio por semana
06 Ene 202406/01/2024 22 Mar 202422/03/2024
23 Mar 202423/03/2024 02 Abr 202402/04/2024
03 Abr 202403/04/2024 30 Jun 202430/06/2024
01 Jul 202401/07/2024 31 Ago 202431/08/2024
01 Sep 202401/09/2024 13 Dic 202413/12/2024
DesdehastaPrecio por semana
11 Ene 202511/01/2025 11 Abr 202511/04/2025
12 Abr 202512/04/2025 21 Abr 202521/04/2025
22 Abr 202522/04/2025 30 Jun 202530/06/2025
01 Jul 202501/07/2025 31 Ago 202531/08/2025
01 Sep 202501/09/2025 12 Dic 202512/12/2025

Booking information for AT28

  • Hora de entrada (check-in): desde 18:00h hasta 22:00h; Hora de salida (check-out): 10:00h

Changeover day AT28

  • El día de inicio / fin de las reservas es Sábado en todas las temporadas, aunque en temporada baja y bajo petición puede que haya flexibilidad.

+ Información esencial para reservar AT28

Booking information for AT28

  • Hora de entrada (check-in): desde 18:00h hasta 22:00h; Hora de salida (check-out): 10:00h

Changeover day AT28

  • El día de inicio / fin de las reservas es Sábado en todas las temporadas, aunque en temporada baja y bajo petición puede que haya flexibilidad.

+ Información esencial para reservar AT28


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Traducir reseñas al español
Sarah | September | 2024

It was all excellent. The host is very welcoming and the house is lovely. Thank you for a great holiday."

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John | September | 2023

Great location, Quite and remote but yet a short drive to beaches, Towns and Attractions. The host was fantastic. From the initial booking right the way through our stay. We will be back here someday soon for sure."

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María | August | 2023

The house is very beautiful (the view from the garden is amazing!) and has everything a family needs. Elena, out host, was very helpful and attentive. The area is not as crowded with tourists as other places in Asturias. Rodiles beach is only 7 minutes away by car. Though it can get very full with people is large enough to play paddles and has free parking."

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Ana | July | 2023

Hemos estado por segunda vez en la.casa de Elena y no podemos decir más que ¡¡repetirémos!!. La.casa.es.maravillosa, un remanso de paz y perfectamente ubicada. Y los dueños, que decir. Pendientes siempre de nuestro bienestar. Un lugar donde la.palabra vacaciones cobra su pleno sentido"

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Thomas | July | 2023

A beautiful cottage by the beach. Lovely quirky interiors, wonderful scenery and the local town of Villaviciosa was a hit. I highly recommend this property."

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Monica | June | 2023

Maravillosa casa, entorno perfecto y su dueña agradable a más no poder y siempre atenta a nuestras necesidades. Volveremos seguro"

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Frederick | April | 2023

A beautiful house with everything you need for a very restful family holiday with young(ish) kids. Thank you!"

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Ben | August | 2022

We spent a wonderful week at the cider house. Peaceful and quiet with a wonderful garden for children to play in. A great base to explore beautiful Northern Spain. Rodiles beach is only a short drive away and is glorious. Thank you Elena!"

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Jean | July | 2022

Very clean, well equipped kitchen, spacious, large garden, quiet rural location. Would definitely stay again."

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Emma | July | 2022

The property was lovely and is in a beautiful location. There were quite a few child hazards (E.g open staircase) which should be highlighted in the property listing. The house is also quite damp and there were no outdoor table and chairs as in the listing photos."

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Malcolm | June | 2022

Aesthetically, the property is lovely having been tastefully restored and stylishly furnished throughout, practically however, we had a number of issues which were entirely avoidable had the owner carried out some general maintenance, allow me to elaborate... It was an unseasonably cold ten days while we were there, Elena (the host) warned us what we were in for when we arrived. Despite the temperatures being significantly lower than they were back in the UK, the heating in the property did not come on once, we found out later that the heating was “in Summer Mode” which effectively meant it was turned off. Deprived of this, I tried to light the ‘Biofuel Heater’ in the large room and, after getting it to start it went into alarm (poor combustion or some such thing). My background is in engineering so, after some investigation on the web I carried out some general maintenance on the unit. Essentially I gave it a good old clean out as it was choked with compact ash and filthy inside. Once the work was complete, I refilled the heater with fuel, and it came on however it proved to be only temporary respite as the fuel is specialist in nature and there was a very limited supply. This led nicely onto the next issue, an electrical fault. The towels in the bathroom were simply not drying due to the low temperatures (exacerbated by a lack of heating) and I noticed they were hung on an electric towel rail which for some reason was unplugged (I soon found out why). So, I plugged it in and the entire place was plunged into darkness! Once again I got into work mode and eventually located the fuse board in the other bathroom (what could possibly go wrong?) and reset the RCD restoring power. We had further issues with the electrics, apparently our maximum power was very limited (to save money) so having the oven, hob and trying to boil the kettle at the same time, you guessed it, plunged the place into darkness once again and a reset in the fuse box was required to restore power... On an evening we had visitors in the attic (mice), one could hear them scuttling about. It did not take too long for them to find their way inside (there are numerous access points) and we had a small furry visitor to contend with. After a couple of days (and a number of failed attempts) I managed to catch out interloper and released him into the garden. I accept that staying in the country one will (on occasion) encounter rodents but these were here when we arrived, waiting to make our acquaintance... Water next. In the bathroom (with the fuse box) the drain from the shower blocked, I had a look to see if I could clear the blockage but to no avail, I could not trace the pipework so we simply stopped using that room, water and electricity are not the best of bedfellows so probably a wise move... Last but not least the ‘Master Bedroom’ was infested with biting insects (Bed-Bugs) and both my wife and I were badly bitten. We evacuated from the room and sealed it as best we could to try and prevent them from spreading, it was our first encounter with such things and a far from pleasant experience I can assure you. We informed our host on our departure of the above issues. Our reason for not contacting them during our stay was not wanting to have our first holiday abroad in three years disturbed by countless tradesmen coming to repair the numerous faults we encountered. Our thinking was that it would give the owners a chance to rectify the faults prior to the next guests arriving, we also informed ‘Rustical Travel' of events. I have to say that all of the representatives from ‘Rustical Travel’ conducted themselves in a most professional manner throughout, I would have no issues booking alternate accommodation with them in the future. Unfortunately, the owners response was less professional in a variety of ways. They simply denied that a number of the issues existed, were disingenuous regarding maintenance and refused to accept any liability for the issues we had encountered. Some of the problems were corrected (at Rustical Travel's insistence) but others, simply ignored... I get the impression that we were the first guests 'The Cider House' had seen in some time and the owners had simply not taken the time to prepare the place properly before we arrived. With a bit of effort on their part our break would have been immeasurably improved. As it was, we had a wonderful time in Asturias, the area is stunning and the people very friendly, this unfortunately was despite, not because of the quality of the property. Rural Spain is definitely somewhere that we will return to at some point in the future. Regarding ‘The Cider House’, I will leave you to draw your own conclusions as to whether you choose to stay here..."

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Rosa | August | 2021

El lugar es ideal pero necesita una puesta a punto de mantenimiento y limpieza.La dueña muy amable y educada.. Nos dejó una única tiall de ducha y otra de lavabo para toda la semana y un único mantel de mesa de comedor. No pedimos más pero lo veo insuficiente. Vajilla y utensilios en buen estado y limpios"

Rustical Update

Tras conversación con el proveedor del servicio a partir de 2022 de manera opcional se puede solicitar servicio adicional de lavado de ropa y toallas así como limpieza general de la casa (a pagar localmente).

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Ana | July | 2021

La propiedad es una maravilla. Entre manzanos y tranquilidad. Muy bien cuidada la casa, espaciosa y con muchos detalles. Un jardín espacioso y muy agradable. Paz y tranquilidad a partes iguales y muy bien comunicado con multitud de puntos de interés de la zona. Súper recomendable. Y Elena, su propietaria, siempre atenta y facilitadora"

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Carmen | July | 2021

Preciosa casa que cumplía a la perfección la descripción de la web. Todo funcionó de maravilla"

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Hannah | August | 2016

beautiful house, spacious and cosy. we had a very good week staying here. nice big garden. we missed a map with information about nearest supermarket etc., this would have been handy."

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Lucy | July | 2016

The Cider House was just lovely, as was the owner Elena. The property is clearly a much loved home so comes extremely well equipped; surf boards in the outbuilding, deck chairs etc, plenty of crockery and cooking equipment. It was exactly as described too, quiet and peaceful with 2 fantastic restaurants in Selorio within walking distance, recommended by Elena. Rodilles beach, 5 minutes by car, was stunning .. a 'Cornish' style expansive of white sand and surf, just wonderful. We would highly recommended this property to others and Rustical Travel, particularly the travel directions with photos that were excellent. Many thanks, Lucy Phillips"

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Helen | June | 2016

We like independent holidays, exploring and living in the local community. The Cider House was perfect. It is well-situated, close to major roads for driving out to some fabulous beaches and towns. Though when sat in the back garden - which was something between a field and an orchard and wonderfully sunny, you would never know you were so close to roads. Roads in Asturias are very good, very quiet and very easy to drive. This property is a short drive from El Beron, from where you can get a Feve or Renfvtrain to just about anywhere in this exquisite region - only limitation is the time you have, but you can go as far as you like. Asturias is the land that time forgot; it is unhurried, heart-stoppingly stunning landscape, lovely warm and welcoming people who do not speak English, but who welcome you all the same. In the restaurants under the trees in nearby Solerou, we had a fabulous evening with the locals, who were keen to teach us how to drink the regional tipple - sidra - in the traditional way. And The Cider House itself... Rustic but elegant at the same time. Extremely comfortable, lovely furnishings, wonderful decor, lighting and architectural touches. A delight to spend time in. We are missing starting our day our on the patio, just gazing into those hills, across to the apple orchards while listening to the surround sound birdsong and watching a whole host of different birds bimbling about our 'garden', looking for food. One of the best holidays we've had.

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Maria | July | 2015

We had a fabulous holiday. The Cider House is a charming old Spanish house full of character and lots of indoor and outdoor space. It is ideal if you like surfing as it is just a few minutes’ drive from Rodiles beach (which had good surf for most of the 2 weeks we were there). There are a couple of small shops and two restaurants within walking distance. It is easy to buy everything you need including fresh bread. The food in the closest restaurant was fab but be prepared to eat late (9 pm). It was easy to get to the motorway to explore further afield"

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Cheryl | July | 2015

The villa was absolutely stunning. Lovely big beds, comfy couches, beautiful garden. It was bliss. The kitchen was well kitted out, everything you could need."

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Mark | August | 2014

The house was in a lovely peaceful location and felt like a typical rustic Spanish house with lots of space. The kids liked the garden space when we were not out exploring or at the beach. The house was well equiped for a family holiday. The weather was a little uncertain and we struggled to operate the heating, a wood burner stove would be a welcome addition"

Rustical Update

It is very rare that heating is required in summer in this area, as it is usually warm or hottish; there is currently no wood burner at this property.

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Peter | July | 2014

We enjoyed our holiday in Rodiles very much. The house is very charming, well equiped and cosy."

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